New Student Information

New Student Information

Most inquiries either ask how to register/try a class, or what the fees are. Please stop by during one of our scheduled classes and the instructor can answer any further questions you may have.

AGE:  Potential students should be at least 5 years old depending on their maturity.    If younger than 8, parents should stay and watch the child train, just in case they get tired or need other assistance.

To register or try a free class, simply come by the school at any of the class times and speak to an instructor. Wear comfortable clothes and you can try it out!  Classes with an emphasis on younger or beginning students are held Tuesday and Friday evenings.

It is suggested that you try different classes to see what works best for you. Students should try to train 2 or 3 times each week.

Other guidelines are listed in the Training Guidelines document included in the "New Students" folder under the Documents tab.

We are located in the small shopping strip at the SW corner of Geneva Rd and Pleasant Hill Rd in Wheaton, IL. Class times are listed under the "Classes" tab.

Costs:  See the  "Fees" document in the "New Students"  folder under the Documents tab.

Unlimited classes each month.

We are a not-for-profit school. No student is turned away for inability to pay. Inquire about our training scholarships.

Other points

TKD Value:  Studies show Tae Kwon Do training increases memory, focus, and performance in school.

Unlike most martial arts schools, we are a not-for-profit, started in 1996 by Dr Jim Langlas.

All instructors are volunteer Black Belts, and we provide need-based training scholarships.

Classes are held M-Sat and you can come to any or all of them for your rank each week.

We are part of the UTF (Universal Tae Kwon Do Federation) as our official body, formed by Grand Master Han Cha Kyo from the original inception of Tae Kwon-Do in Korea.

Safety comes first. All sparring is non-contact attacks.  Contact is employed for pads, self defense techniques, and board breaking.

AGE:   Students range from age 5 to adults of all ages. Family training is encouraged.   Younger students ( ages 5 to 8)  are evaluated on an individual basis.

Please feel free to drop by and talk to one of the instructors during any of our posted class times. 

You can also download student documents under the "Documents" tab  and  especially the "New student" folder.